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importance of Ethics in the Security Management discipline.

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Paper Instructions:

Security Management Ethics Essay

Each student will submit a minimum of a 1,000-word essay on the importance of Ethics in the Security Management discipline. Ethics is critically important to the law enforcement and security disciplines. As a future professional in any of these disciplines, your ethical compass must be without reproach.  In addition, it must also serve as the foundation of your conduct and diligence. 

Place yourself as a security manager of a large company and analyze the importance of ethics in your operation. What are some important initiatives you can embark upon to strengthen your security function. Think outside the box. This assignment is designed to get you to THINK about ethics and for you to ANALYZE why it is important in our discipline. 

Please ensure you include double space, use proper margins, utilize in text citations and cite and reference your source(s) per the APA format. You must have a minimum of four (4) credible references.

170 Words  1 Pages
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