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The defendant, Suzy Smith, was a patient at ABC Hospital for a week last September. The hospital staff sent a copy of her chart to her physician’s personal email address, which was hacked. Ms. Smith is suing the hospital for a data breach, stating the hos

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The scenario is as follows:

The defendant, Suzy Smith, was a patient at ABC Hospital for a week last September. The hospital staff sent a copy of her chart to her physician’s personal email address, which was hacked. Ms. Smith is suing the hospital for a data breach, stating the hospital did not have her permission to send her chart to her physician.

From your assigned roles, your group will debate the following questions:
Who is liable in this scenario? Defend your role.
How can it be prevented from occurring again?
From your perspective, would this be considered a data breach? Why or why not?
From your perspective, should Ms. Smith be compensated for this? Why or why not?

130 Words  1 Pages
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