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evaluate the trait approach as an explanation of leadership in general and within the Criminal Justice System in particular.

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Paper Instructions:

The trait approach to leadership was one of the earliest theories of leadership.  This approach focuses on the personal attributes (or traits) of leaders, such as physical and personal characteristics, competencies, and values.  Implicit in this approach is the assumption that traits produce patterns of behavior that are consistent over time and situations. 

find and read  Schafer, J. (2010). Effective leaders and leadership in policing: traits, assessment, development, and expansion. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 33(4) 644 – 663. 

find two additional peer-reviewed journal articles on the trait approach to leadership. 

evaluate the trait approach as an explanation of leadership in general and within the Criminal Justice System in particular.

The paper must follow APA requirements. 

131 Words  1 Pages
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