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Critique the theoretical paradigms of crime and delinquency

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer 

Every week students will be required to write a paper summarizing the assigned readings for that week. Each paper should be a minimum of three typed, double-spaced pages and will count for 50 points each. In each paper, you will (a) summarize the logic/content of the week’s theories about the causes of crime and deviant behavior, including intellectual origins, key concepts, basic argument, empirical evidence, and policy implications (b) arguments made in conceptual articles, and (c) research questions, data collection strategy, data analysis strategy, and results in empirical research articles. Late papers will not be accepted. The papers should be written in APA format, including citations, and submitted on Blackboard by the beginning of class each week. 

Introduction to Criminological Theory
•    Akers et al., Chapter 1
•    Stafford, M. C., & Mears, D. P. (2014). Causation, Theory, and Policy in the Social Sciences. Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Interdisciplinary, Searchable, and Linkable Resource.


Critique the theoretical paradigms of crime and delinquency.

Formulate policy recommendations founded upon various theoretical paradigms.

Construct an integrated theoretical framework to explain the causes of crime and delinquency.  

206 Words  1 Pages
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