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Explain the authority that allows the police to search your residence?

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

Answer the 6 questions using Ontario Law Canada.

1.Explain the authority that allows the police to search your residence?

2.If you are employed as a uniformed police constable and you arrested Sam Stealer for being in Possession of Property Obtained by Crime for having a stolen car in his possession that has a value of $12,000.00, does the officer have to release Sam?
Explain your answer.

3.Explain what your rights are when you are arrested?

4.State under what circumstances the police can search your person?

5.What are the basic reasons for an arrest?

6.You are employed as a police officer working for York Regional Police. You arrest an adult, Samuel Stealer at Sunrise Records, Upper Canada Mall, Newmarket, Ontario for “Theft Under $5000.00”. You determine that RICE is fulfilled.
“RICE” represents the following:
No reasonable grounds of repetition of any offence will occur
Correct identity of the accused has been established
No reasonable grounds that the accused will fail to appear in court and
E vidence regarding the offence (arrested for) has been secured or preserved.
Explain your answers. A yes or no answer is not acceptable. You must explain why you can or cannot do the actions listed above.

a. Explain if you are required to release Samuel Stealer from your custody?
b. Explain if you are you able to release Sam by using an Appearance Notice at the scene?
c. Explain if you can or cannot serve a criminal summons to Samuel at the scene?
D .Are you allowed to release Samuel with the intention of serving him with a criminal summons at a later date?
e. As a police officer do you have the discretionary authority to release Samuel without conditions?

302 Words  1 Pages
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