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What is meant by matters of public concern and what is the significance of this phrase in First Amendment issues? Include within your response one court case that made the distinction between speech involving public concern and grievances regarding intern

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

Please answer the following questions:

1. What is meant by matters of public concern and what is the significance of this phrase in First Amendment issues? Include within your response one court case that made the distinction between speech involving public concern and grievances regarding internal personnel matters.

2. Discuss the rationale behind academic freedom being a limited concept in public schools and the implications for introducing subject matter into classroom discussion?

3. What restrictions if any may be placed on teachers who run for public office, engage in political activities, and participate in political campaigns?

4. What is the significance of the court’s ruling in the East Hartford case regarding dress? As a follow up to a response to the question, from the reading, list the most that the courts will uphold relative to public school personnel dress and grooming.

5. Discuss privacy rights of teachers/other school personnel and the suggested implications for school leaders.

6. Illustrate by example the application of disparate treatment and disparate impact regarding employment discrimination. Provide an operational example of each one. (Be specific.) 

7. Discuss the remedies available for proof of discrimination under Title VII. 

202 Words  1 Pages
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