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Create an integrated legal strategy for a real company, corporation, or organization of your choice (US based company).

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Create an integrated legal strategy for a real company, corporation, or organization of your choice (US based company). Address the following topics:

Issues:  Identify the major current and potential issues – not those already resolved - relating to the company’s business environment.  You should address issues such as legal, labor, environmental, foreign, cultural, regulatory, ethical, and political.  This is a critical part of the paper as the issues frame the remainder of the analysis. It is more important to discuss completely a few issues rather than superficially deal with many issues.  Two or three issues is more than enough to satisfy the requirements for this paper.

Interests:  For each issue selected, you should identify any other parties that will likewise have an interest in the issue.  Can you predict adversaries and allies?  How will they shape the debate?  How will this shape your strategy? 

Information:  What information will be used by the interested parties to influence the institutions?  What information will you need to rely upon or develop?  What information will you need to counter?

Institutions:  What institutions will participate in resolving the issue identified?  
Consider how you will interact with, influence, and persuade those institutions.

204 Words  1 Pages
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