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The Constitution requires that a Census be taken every ten years and that based on the census the number of seats each state has in the House of Representatives will be reapportioned. So, the 435 seats in the House of Representatives are reallocated based

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

The Constitution requires that a Census be taken every ten years and that based on the census the number of seats each state has in the House of Representatives will be reapportioned. So, the 435 seats in the House of Representatives are reallocated based on changes in each state's population as reflected in the Census. The Constitution also requires that after the reapportionment, the lines of each Congressional district will be redrawn to reflect the changes (if any) by STATE LEGISLATURES. That process is called REDISTRICTING. Your exercise today will help you learn about the issues that are important in the redistricting process and will give you a chance to try redistricting yourself. Good luck!

Part I:

Review the geopolitical issues of redistricting at the following website: (Links to an external site.)

Click "Next Issue" at the bottom of the screen to advance to the next page. You may also want to print the chart out for your notes.

Part II: (Links to an external site.)

Choose 2 missions and complete them.

Write a brief reflection answering the following question:

Based on your participation in the simulation, describe the ways that district lines can be manipulated based on caucus or party motivations. Evaluate the impact of redistricting on the quality of democracy.

230 Words  1 Pages
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