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The UCR is the official data collection method for reporting crimes known to the police or to the FBI for inclusion in the official crime stats. The NCVS is a survey method to collect data by asking a representative sample of the population about whether

Questions We Can Help to Answer

Crime Statistics

The UCR is the official data collection method for reporting crimes known to the police or to the FBI for inclusion in the official crime stats. The NCVS is a survey method to collect data by asking a representative sample of the population about whether they have been the victims of crime.

Create a 2- to 3-page report in a Microsoft Word document that includes the answers to the following questions:

How does the information collected vary in terms of crime rates between UCR and NCVS?

How are they similar?

If differences exist, what accounts for the differences?

Submission Details:
•Support your responses with examples.
•Cite any sources in APA format.

120 Words  1 Pages
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