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The CSI Effect: Juror Expectations for Forensic Evidence

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The CSI Effect: Juror Expectations for Forensic Evidence

The Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) effect is alleged to alter public perceptions of real-world forensic science. This is of particular concern in the courtroom, where many prosecutors are confused about the jurors' expectations of scientific evidence. Working as an intern in the district attorney's office, you have to create a 5- to 7-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation for the prosecutors on the CSI syndrome and its effect on jurors.

Using respected sources for research into this topic, give an overview of the CSI syndrome and respond to the following:
•Provide a working definition of the CSI effect and explain what types of scientific evidence do jurors expect to see.
•Analyze and explain whether the CSI effect is limited to those who specifically watch forensic science shows.
•Analyze and explain whether a prosecutor should be allowed to seek permission from the judge to question prospective jurors about their television-watching habits.
•Examine whether cases without scientific evidence are more likely to be scrutinized harshly by jurors. Analyze whether this could affect the final verdict.

186 Words  1 Pages
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