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Crime & Human Behavior Profiling

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Before completing this discussion, listen to the entire lecture on criminal profiling ( and read the three brief profiling cases at the end of the lecture outline.  Note that each "case" refers to a series of crimes committed by one offender. Each case involves a different offender. These cases are so brief that you cannot complete the full profiling process explained in class lecture, but you can apply some of the decision making process (learned in lecture) to identify some offender characteristics.
For this discussion, for each case, identify one offender characteristic other than gender and race/ethnicity (all of these offenders were white males). Be sure to use the decision making process learned in the lecture to identify an offender characteristic for each case, and in your posting explain which part of the decision making process you used to determine the offender's characteristic. This will give you a little bit of practice in the profiling process before you finish the profiling learning project (which will be completed with different cases).
Example of what you might write for one case: "The decision making process includes a consideration of the time the crimes were committed. For case X, the offender killed each victim between 10-11 pm at night. This led me to decide that the offender was not expected to be home at that time of night, so he probably does not have a wife or live with a girlfriend."

251 Words  1 Pages
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