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The so-called ‘gig economy’ is the subject of much debate and dispute in modern employment law. Some regard it as a working environment that offers flexible working hours, while others see it as a form of exploitation with the worker having few rights an

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Paper Instructions:

Full Topic: The so-called ‘gig economy’ is the subject of much debate and dispute in modern employment law.  Some regard it as a working environment that offers flexible working hours, while others see it as a form of exploitation with the worker having few rights and very little workplace protection. --> With specific reference to practical tests, cases, legislation and other accepted legal theory in this area, provide a critical analysis of the above statement.  In doing so, you should demonstrate the following: 

•    The basic implications associated with the status of a worker;
•    The legal approaches that are being alluded to; 
•    And, the contemporary issues that - it may be argued - continue to challenge notions of a worker’s status.

Main area of Law: UK

OSCOLA system of referencing must be use.

144 Words  1 Pages
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