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You are working for the research wing of the National Institute of Justice. You have been assigned to a governmental task force that is investigating murder and other violent crimes in the U.S. You have been asked to prepare a speech and brief the members

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Paper Instructions:

You are working for the research wing of the National Institute of Justice. You have been assigned to a governmental task force that is investigating murder and other violent crimes in the U.S. You have been asked to prepare a speech and brief the members of the Department of Justice with regard to your findings.
•In your findings, you need to first differentiate between criminology and victimology. Some members of your audience do not know much about victimology so you need to be very detailed in your explanations.
•You will also need to explain at least three different theories on victimization. Give the strengths and weaknesses of each theory that you choose.
•Point out what the financial and psychological impacts are for murder victims or family members.

In addition to your speech, you need to create a chart that compares whether the U.S. has a higher or lower incidence of violent crime than U.K., Australia, South Africa, and Japan. Create this chart in Microsoft Excel.

Based on the analysis of your speech, answer the following questions in the same document where you have created the chart:
•Does the U.S. have more violent crimes than other countries?
•Do people's lifestyles in the U.S. place them more at risk than in other countries, or does the U.S. simply have more motivated criminals? Which one do you agree with and why?
•How does victim compensation work in the United States?

Research "Crime Rates" using the internet

258 Words  1 Pages
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