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  1. Questions we Can Help you to Answer

    Paper Instructions:

    1.In the ussion, you review the literature on the differences in perceptions of male and female victims of physical abuse crimes, and 
    2. analyze how differing perceptions affect a victim’s willingness to report his or her victimization to the police. 
    3. Select a case from the media or literature that illustrates differences in perceptions of male victims versus female victims. 
    4. Post by Day 4 an explanation of differences in perceptions of physically abused male victims versus physically abused female victims. 5. Provide specific examples from the media and/or literature to support your response. 
    6. Finally, explain how these perceptions might influence the likelihood of male victims and female victims to report.
    Be specific and provide examples to support your response with specific references to the Learning Resources and current literature.
141 Words  1 Pages
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