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You have been hired by a large company that wishes to expand its operations overseas. The company is concerned about terrorism, particularly attacks on US targets, both in America and abroad. You will need to review US government data, in order to summari

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Paper Instructions:

Terrorist Activities—An Analysis

You have been hired by a large company that wishes to expand its operations overseas. The company is concerned about terrorism, particularly attacks on US targets, both in America and abroad. You will need to review US government data, in order to summarize the terrorist activity in the regions that the company is considering for expansion:
•Persian Gulf
•North Africa

In your analysis, be sure to look at methods of terrorism that might not have resulted in deaths but still could affect business, such as kidnappings or arson.

Also, your report should define state-sponsored terrorism and name the countries in the above regions which are active sponsors of terrorist groups.

Two resources for data on international terrorist incidents are the state department's annual report entitled "Country Report on Terrorism" and the National Counterterrorism Center's (NCTC's) "NCTC Report on Terrorism".

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.

165 Words  1 Pages
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