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Paper Instructions:

Review the Innocence Project/Government Misconduct website

Review one (1) of the cases.

In a 2-page paper, address the following (in paragraph form):

Summary of the case, cite examples of where there was prosecutorial misconduct, judicial misconduct, and/or defense misconduct.
Be specific as to where the following terms may apply:
Strict constructionists: The view that an individual has no rights unless these rights are specified in the Constitution or have been created by some other legal source.
Interpretationists: An approach to the Constitution that uses a looser reading of the document and read into it rights that the framers might have recognized or that should be recognized as a result of “evolving standards.”
Natural rights: The concept that one has certain rights just by virtue of being born, and these rights are not treated by humans, although they can be ignored.

150 Words  1 Pages
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