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Explain at what point a person is considered under arrest. Explain the difference between a stop and an arrest. Why might states authorize probable cause arrests for certain unwitnessed misdemeanors? How much force can be used by an officer when executing

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Paper Instructions:

Explain at what point a person is considered under arrest. Explain the difference between a stop and an arrest. Why might states authorize probable cause arrests for certain unwitnessed misdemeanors? How much force can be used by an officer when executing an arrest? How is it determined? Can you think of any times when you heard about excessive use of force and if so, how do you think the actions of a few influenced the perceptions of many regarding the police?
Comprehension, depth, source reliance, APA, grammar, spelling, completeness and scope is critical.
Provide concepts and ideas culled from the text. Define terms as needed/necessary 
Include bibliography of sources cited at the end.

122 Words  1 Pages
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