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The United States Supreme Court has repeatedly pointed out that the Fourth Amendment forbids only ‘unreasonable’ searches and seizures.

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Paper Instructions:

The United States Supreme Court has repeatedly pointed out that the Fourth Amendment forbids only ‘unreasonable’ searches and seizures.
Consider the following: After overhearing from a public telephone what appeared to be arrangements for a drug transaction, a police officer followed the defendant's car. When the driver committed a traffic violation, the officer stopped his car. The officer told the driver that he believed that he was carrying narcotics in his car and asked for consent to search the car. The driver said that he had nothing to hide. Indeed, having gotten consent, the officer opened the door on the passenger side and saw a folded down paper bag on the floor of the car. The officer opened it, and found cocaine inside. Did the consent to search the car authorize opening the brown paper bag? Explain Should the evidence be permitted for use against the defendant? Why or why not?

160 Words  1 Pages
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