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Analysis of The Innocent Man by John Grisham

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

- In this assignment, I would like you to focus on the actions of the investigators as 
described by Grisham and analyze their conduct on two levels.  First, evaluate the way in which they conducted their investigation and compare what they did how investigations should be done.  What did the investigators in the book do well (they did do some things properly) and what did they do poorly?  What fundamental mistakes were made in investigating the case?  Next, analyze the ethical/moral conduct of the investigators.  Were they looking for the truth?  What factors influenced their behavior?  How does the overall performance of the investigators, in this case, reflect on the reputation of law enforcement in general?  In your opinion, which I will expect you to support, did the investigators cross any “ethical lines” in conducting the investigation?  How did their conduct affect the court case against the defendants?  If the investigation had been conducted differently how would the court case have turned out?  Finally, if you feel the investigators acted properly explain why.  These are the types of issues I would like you to address, but feel free to come up with some of your own.

I have collected some information : ( Feel free to look for some more if you needed )


236 Words  1 Pages
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