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Write a short statement informing a bank of its liability when it deposits a customer's check in the wrong account.

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Paper instructions:

Write a short statement informing a bank of its liability when it deposits a customer's check in the wrong account.
Three weeks ago, you deposited a $1,000 payroll check at your bank after having signed your name to the back of the check and writing the words "For Deposit Only-Account Number 7852837" immediately above your signature (Account Number 7852837 is your checking account). Since then, you have discovered that the bank did not deposit the check in your checking account, but instead deposited the check in your other account at the bank, a "money market" account. As a result, you have "bounced" three checks totaling $583, and incurred $75 in bounced check fees. Write a letter to your bank advising them of your legal rights in this situation

138 Words  1 Pages
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