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The Arbitration Case of Keyshaun King

The Arbitration Case of Keyshaun King

            While taking extreme decisions in employment issue like the termination of a worker, all the mentioned factors should be considered. Employee handbook as well as company policies are essential as they direct the company’s culture and also shape the worker’s conduct in the profession. Moreover, factors that are given by the grievant and the witnesses should also be well thought-out. At time so as to be able to resolve the conflict, it is important to be able to take certain measures and steps which oppose the organization’s policy (Kearney 2014).

            Unprofessional conduct may involve to as a person’s lack in knowledge as well as expertise in regards to their profession.  Thus the person is viewed as one who does not have the ability to meet all the standards that have been established by the profession. It is also concerned with the person’s ethical behavior in his or her work and mostly in relation with the negligence and incompetence of an individual. It therefore basically deals with the view on whether the behavior is regarded as detrimental and on whether the behavior was on purpose or not.

            Being the arbitrator, I would have ruled in favor of the employee and especially King. This is because, despite the fact that the fight was between the two of them, he admitted his mistakes unlike Barnhill who actually formed a lie. According to the employee manual a just cause could have been given but hiring of these workers would not be a just cause for King. This is because he was more professional than his colleague who was unprofessional, inefficient as well as racist.




Kearney. C. R & Mareschal M. P (2014). Labor Relations In The Public Sector Fifth Edition. CRC Press, Taylor & Fransis Group.


299 Words  1 Pages
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