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The Sentencing Process and the Problem of Prison

The Sentencing Process and the Problem of Prison

            The court system in most cases while sentencing a convict, their intentions are usually right as their core focus is to teach the convicts a lesson to themselves so that they do not repeat the same act again. This also acts as a preventive measure to others who may be intrigued to do the same. The years that they are sentenced are quite enough and thus canning is not an efficient way of sentencing in concurrence with the prison term. However in some cases such as in the raping case, twenty eight years were very lenient and for them to learn a good lesson the court should have increased their sentence. Beating may not be the solution to these convicts who are unethical and hence they should be isolated for a longer period so as to allow the rehabilitation process before they serve all their sentencing (Roth 2006). Allocation of funds is quite essential in the development of prisons and the improvement of the prison services. As a prison warden I would decide on the allocation of funds to inspire a rehabilitation curriculum that would offer education, rehabilitation as well as reentry assistance to the imprisoned victims. This program would provide the imprisoned encouragement and inspiration so as to be able to take the stock of their life experiences which drove them into committing the criminal activity. Thus they would be able to be responsible for their criminal conduct and will be able to change the lifelong patterns of violent behavior and craving thus they are able to build and lead productive lives. As they get released out of prison, they ought to be better people in the society than they came in prison.





Roth M. (2006). Prison and prison systems: a global encyclopedia. Westport, Conn. Greenwood press.











308 Words  1 Pages
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