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Would you describe victim rights? What is the historical significance of the victim’s rights movement in the US? What rights can crime victims expect in the justice system and beyond?

Criminal justice campus crime

Would you describe victim rights? What is the historical significance of the victim’s rights movement in the US? What rights can crime victims expect in the justice system and beyond?

A victim can be defined as someone who has directly been harmed by a crime committed by another individual. The rights of the victims depend on the seriousness of the crime in some states while in other states the rights are applied to the victims without considering the seriousness of the crimes. Victims as the law states have limited roles in the process of criminal justice and should be protected and have access to useful information that will enable them attain justice. The historical significance of the victims’ rights movement in the US is the fact that it ensured that victims’ rights were upheld and understood by the government. In the past days victims were given no rights unlike currently where the movement paved way for the rights of victims to remain upheld. The movement ensured that victims were given right to remain respected and treated with dignity. In addition the victims were given right to access any information and remain informed. The victims were given the right to get protection from other people and the government and therefore not subjected to threats and any intimidation during the time of the criminal proceedings.

Victims expect a number of rights such as right to be treated with respect and dignity, right to be informed, right to get protection, right to get compensated, right to restitution, right to get a faster trial, right to ensure all the victims rights are implemented as well as the right to ensure personal property is returned promptly. All these rights ensure the victims are well protected and that their human rights are not violated.



Accountability system



Criminal courts

In these courts the government files a complaint against an individual who has committed a crime.

The courts are limited to decisions made by higher courts such as the supreme courts.

Civil courts

In these courts the harmed party brings complaints against another party

These courts have limitations since the decisions they make can be limited since other higher courts can make other final rules contradicting rules made by the civil courts.

Disciplinary Review Boards

The board reviews recommendations involving discipline from other committees such as district committees, office of attorney and special committees dealing with disciplinary issues.

The ruling of the board is limited to the rulings made by the supreme courts.


421 Words  1 Pages
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