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Paper instructions:

Download and read carefully your assignment for Paper #2, which is about CRIME THEORY, not the movie itself!  Remember that your theory choice drives the paper and the movie is just the vehicle you use to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of theory, so that you can show the reader you know how to apply theory in a real-world situation.
Organize your paper!  Start with an introduction, brief overview of the movie and its themes and characters, and then SIGNPOST each theory you pick.  Explain BRIEFLY the theory's premise, then start to systematically dissect the theory and provide an example (character, quote, situation, crime) from the movie that shows that theory at work. After each example, provide full thought process, evidence of linkage, and substantiation of logic to SHOW how the theory applies.  The last step is the most important;  don't assume the reader agrees with you.
It goes without saying that actors, directors, or your opinion about the movie are irrelevant to this paper.  A paper that reads like a movie review or simply spends all its space telling the reader about the movie without making a point or linking to crime theory will not pass.

206 Words  1 Pages
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