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Review of criminal justice employment websites

Review of criminal justice employment websites is a website that not only advertises job opportunities but also gives tips on how to do well during interviews. The site deserves a rating of 4 as it gives information about job opportunities, tips on how to get the job and also advertises current job openings (Sanctuary criminal justice 1). website offers information relating various criminal justice opportunities. It informs on current job opportunities in that particular field and also offers links to other websites that may have more criminal justice employment opportunities. It deserves a rating of 4 as it also widens the search area for the potential employee (United States Department of Justice 1). advertises on criminal justice jobs starting with the most current. Other than the job descriptions, it enables the job seeker to look for jobs of their preferences in terms of salary to be paid, type of employment and the time in which a certain job was posted. It is very efficient and deserves a four star rating (Careerbuilder 1) offers information on various websites that offer employment in the field of criminal justice and is worthy of a three star rating. Even though it does not offer actual job vacancies, it helps the applicant to narrow down the search for the job depending on the amount of pay they desire and then directs them to sites that meet the applicant’s requirement (Criminal justice 1). not only offers career opportunities in the criminal justice industry but also enables applicants to create user accounts where notifications about job openings are posted. On the website, the applicant can access current job alerts and also read about those who have found employment through the site. It deserves a rating of three. not only offers career opportunities but also gives tips on how to get the job the applicant desires. The information is found on the website along with various jobs available, their requirements and how to apply. It also provides the option to look for a specific job in relation to the type of job the applicant is looking for and the location. The site is quite helpful and deserves a rating of four (criminal justice 1). offers information on criminal justice employment and mostly specializes on the police law enforcers. Although it does not indicate when current job opportunities have been posted, it is helpful as it offers guidelines on how to pass oral and written police exams.  Id displays features various job vacancies and their locations and deserves a three star rating (Go law enforcement 1). provides a list of available jobs in the criminal justice industry. The openings are found on the website and their requirements together with the qualifications required for those interested in applying. The site also enables the applicant to refine their search so as to get a job of their preference. The website deserves a three star rating (Higher end jobs 1). allows job seekers to look for specific jobs that meet their preference in relation to location and type of employment. On their website, there is also the option of creating an account which will be updated by a personal job search assistant with the most current job openings. It is efficient in accessing job openings and deserves a four star rating (Nation job 1). website not only offers information on job openings but also notifies those who visit the site on career events that could be beneficial to potential employees. The site allows applicants to look for specific jobs and even from their preferred companies. It helps applicants to find jobs that suit their needs and is worthy of a four star rating ( 1).

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668 Words  2 Pages
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