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Explain how the United States conducts an all-hazards response in the five preparedness mission areas of prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and disaster recovery.

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:


Rank order (in order of priority) the 14 core capabilities of the NRF. Explain why you rank ordered 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Be specific.
Explain how the United States conducts an all-hazards response in the five preparedness mission areas of prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and disaster recovery.

When would a Deputy Incident Commander (Deputy IC) be necessary? Give examples.
In The missing piece of NIMS: Teaching incident commanders how to function in the edge of Chaos, the author notes that first responders have to deal with a disaster situation already unfolding, and not “all the pieces fit together nicely.” The author writes about the Five Tenets of Working in Chaos. Please paraphrase each one using your own words.

133 Words  1 Pages
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