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You will find and write a original work review of two peer-reviewed, scholarly-quality articles on two issues/challenges identified from the Individual Field Exercise. The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with experience in the identification,

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Paper Instructions:

Scholarly Article Review
You will find and write a original work review of two peer-reviewed, scholarly-quality articles on two issues/challenges identified from the Individual Field Exercise. The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with experience in the identification, location, and analysis of scholarly-quality information. This assignment will:

Use peer-reviewed articles with publication dates no older then three years;
Identify how the articles relates to two issues/challenges from your Individual Field Exercise;
Discuss the article’s methods and findings
Analyze each articles' sources and determine the three most cited
Be two to three pages in length, excluding the reference page
Use current APA writing style guide and format the document in Times New Roman size 12 typeset with one inch margins, but not use not use a title page, running headings,or abstract.

144 Words  1 Pages
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