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Peer-on-Peer Counseling and Physical and Mental Health

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

"Peer-on-Peer Counseling and Physical and Mental Health"  Please respond to the following:

•The idea of peer-on-peer counseling has gained momentum over the past few years. It is the idea of cops counseling cops. The major precept of this theory is that peer-on-peer counseling is better for officer experiencing difficulties and in need of support than outside professional counseling. Analyze the main advantages of choosing peer on peer counseling other than outside professional counseling when officers are in trouble. Next, examine the possible short-term and long-term effects of using peer-on-peer counseling. Justify your response.
•Imagine that you are the new chief law enforcement officer in the community where you live. There have been numerous officers involved in shootings and police misconduct issues in the media as it relates to your department over the last two (2) years. Propose how you would work with the local media to reduce unnecessary stress for the officers in your department. Provide a rationale for your response.

170 Words  1 Pages
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