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External Influences of juvenile Delinquency while attending school

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Paper Instructions:

external influences that might cause a juvenile to participate in delinquent activity. One of these external influences was associated with the interactions a juvenile engages in while attending school.

Compose an essay of 500 – 700 words that identifies at least three (3) influences or factors that occur in the school setting that might cause a juvenile to participate in delinquent behavior. As part of your response discuss why some juveniles choose to avoid delinquent behavior while others decide to participate in delinquent behavior despite the fact that the majority of students are exposed to these same influences or factors within a school setting.

Directly quoted material may be used, but will not count towards the minimum word count. Be sure to support your response with cited scholarly resources as required by APA. A minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed scholarly sources must be used when composing your response

159 Words  1 Pages
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