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The impact of government spending on education in countries around the world

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My thesis is on the impact of government spending on education in countries around the world.
In this project, I'm going to write about how family background in learning can affect students' academic performance, and I'm going to find out whether countries with high incomes and growth rates will spend more money on education and whether there will be more education spending and the higher the average income, the lower the unemployment rate.
First, I will study the facts that affect government spending on education, and explain that government spending on education is determined by the following variables: GDP-per-capital, central government debt, foreign direct investment, per capita GDP growth, agricultural value added, industrial value added to find out what countries will spend more money on education.
Second, we will explain unemployment and average income
Government expenditure per pupil in primary schools, government expenditure per pupil in secondary schools and government expenditure per pupil in universities.
Finally, we will summarize the impact on countries around the world. In this study, we will use a simple linear regression and three multiple linear regression.

192 Words  1 Pages
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