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Argentina's Macri attempts to thwart economic plunge

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

1.    Read this article "Argentina's Macri attempts to thwart economic plunge" The article discusses the Argentinian economy and suggests that political motives and populist actions might slow the economic recovery and obstruct the necessary steps that needs to be taken.  

2.    Create a paper in the form of an APA formatted article that addresses the following questions. Please use apply concepts and theories learned from the textbook to support your ideas, including at least 1 intext citation.
o    What type of economic downturns is Argentina experiencing as of Summer 2019?  Is the current government able to take the right course of action? Explain.
o    How is the currency (peso) responding to government policies?  Is it normal?  Explain it using the supply and demand model.
o    Why would Argentina face balance of payments crisis?  What kind of government policies would exacerbate such malfunction in the macroeconomy?

160 Words  1 Pages
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