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Jonathan Swift's -A Modest Proposal

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Article Summary: Jonathan Swift's -A Modest Proposal

Researched Response Instructions. 
Write a 1 - 2 page summary of Jonathan Swift's essay, "A Modest Proposal"
Write a brief discussion of an economic topic of interest arising from Swift's essay (this will be the topic of your "Economics Essay".
Summarize the essay in your own words.
Present the main ideas/arguments 
include its merits (e.g. content, argument, contribution)
Further Studies 
Economic issue of interest to you (for Economic Essay)
write in a formal, professional style using correct grammar and spelling
complete a peer review and have a student peer review your work 
follow APA style, including full title page and "References" section on a separate final page. 
The link of the article:

136 Words  1 Pages
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