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Emerging economies

Emerging economies

Wal-Mart Company expansion to Africa is one of the achievements it has made lately. It is increasing its stores in South America Johannesburg in particular. It also targets developing countries like Angola and Nigeria. It is expanding the Massmart Company in West Africa in hope of increasing its stores to East Africa. It makes its progression with leadership of C. Douglas Mcmillon as its chief executive officer. I propose that Wal-Mart expansion to south, west and east Africa will increase it sales since it is a well known international company. Nigeria as an emerging economic is politically and economically (Bingley 362) stable which I would recommend the CEO Wal-Mart to consider.

           Nigeria is a member of world international organization making it suitable since it has international links. Nigeria is involved in government revenue collection activities and trade restrictions such as quotas and tariffs. Introduction of Wal-Mart Company in Nigeria will generate more sales and profits since the country is corruption free and investors are encouraged (Bingley 362). The communication system in Nigeria is modern where communication systems such as computers and telephones are widely accessible. Transport system is modern in Nigeria with modern superhighways which will make transportation of products easier, faster and convenient. The currency in Nigeria is widely transferrable since it is a Nigerian Naira and can be converted easily to the US dollar. The labor market in Nigeria is mainly made up of educated people as well as skilled workers (Rugraff 110). The education system in Nigeria is well catered for with less number of dropouts. I would recommend Nigeria as a convenient company for Wal-Mart to venture its business. The health issue is being addressed in Nigeria. It is improving its health care systems in order to support sick people especially women and children. I would recommend Wal-Mart Company to open its stores in Nigeria for better profits.



Works cited

Corporate Governance in Less Developed and Emerging Economies. Bingley: Emerald Jai, 2008. Print.

Rugraff, Eric, and Michael W. Hansen. Multinational Corporations and Local Firms in Emerging Economies. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2011. Print.

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