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You pick and write about an issue that you find interesting/concerning in an urban area or neighborhood – unemployment, gentrification, immigration, transportation, some new urban development project, etc.

Topic and Questions We Can Help You To Answer
Paper Instructions:

You pick and write about an issue that you find interesting/concerning in an urban area or neighborhood – unemployment, gentrification, immigration, transportation, some new urban development project, etc.

Before submitting this final paper, you will have to conduct your research in several steps: Once you have submitted your research question with the midterm, you will then (1) review 5-6 scholarly articles about the topic, (2) describe the method to approach your own question, (3) collect data about the topic in the neighborhood you picked and (4) analyze this data with regards to your literature review and understanding of course material. Your final research paper will be an extensive summary of these four steps. The criteria for how to approach and organize each of these steps will be further discussed during the class.

The 8-page research project should adhere to the following guidelines: 1) include a cover page; 2) format with double spacing and one inch margins; 3) footnotes and citations should follow an acceptable style format; 4) include a bibliography with a minimum of 8 entries (books and articles). The 8-page minimum is linked to the actual essay and does not include the cover page or
the bibliography.

209 Words  1 Pages
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