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For this News Analysis, I want you to discuss the situation in Syria. Assume for the purposes of this discussion that ISIS was just (completely) defeated and a stable government was formed (that everyone recognized and followed--whatever that government

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

For this News Analysis, I want you to discuss the situation in Syria.  Assume for the purposes of this discussion that ISIS was just (completely) defeated and a stable government was formed (that everyone recognized and followed--whatever that government is).

How would the current GDP and GDP per capita of Syria compare to the GDP and GDP per capita of Syria before the Syrian civil war broke out?  Explain why (in terms of the model presented in the chapter)

What could other countries do to help Syria's GDP recover to pre-conflict levels?  How would this illustrate the model in the text?


The analysis should be one full page--do not include headers (name, class, and so on) or references in that count.  The paper should be double spaced, 10-12 point font, one inch margins, and use APA style if you use external references--though I don't think you'll need to explicitly reference any external materials).  Make sure you tie your analysis in to the model we covered in class and in the text.

181 Words  1 Pages
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