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Research - Find the five (5) largest trading partners for the US in the most current data available (2017).

Questions We Can Help to Answer

Research - Find the five (5) largest trading partners for the US in the most current data available (2017).  What kinds of products do export/import from these countries. What is the total dollar value of trade between the US and the other countries?  Does the US have a trade deficit or trade surplus?  Is there a difference between the merchandise trade deficit and the current account deficit?  How many jobs in the US depend on these trade relations? Focus on the types of products that the US imports and exports.  Study tariffs and other trade restrictions.

I would like you know everything there is to know about trade with these 5 countries!! You are to be the trade specialist on these topics.  I expect that you will be able to teach me about international trade.

Tip- define words related to trade as you choose necessary

152 Words  1 Pages
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