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Theory related to a public finance issue.

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Paper Instructions:

Write a theory essay related to a public finance issue. Please include, abstract, data, and an acknowledgement. 

Structure:The essay NEEDS to clearly state what it is going to do.  Then does it in an ORDERLY series of steps and then summarizes. State what you will be discussing in opening paragraph. 

Economists are interested in relationships among variables, so it is generally better to have MORE than ONE variable. comparisons between countries or provinces are also interesting.

Theory Requirement: The essay must include some clearly presented theory. This could be fairly general - showing that some phe- nomenon can be explained using, say the supply and demand model.

Please include data throughout the essay. [An informative graphical representation of the data used to test a theory or of the theoretical relationships is often a good idea. Numerical data may have features that do not stand out until graphed.]

Meaningfulness: The discussion must be an application of theoretcal thinking to some public finance issue. What is it you want to call may attention to?

References need to be in the CJE (or Chicago) style. Use the style used in the Canadian Journal of Economics.

I have provided the checklist for this theory essay below, please make sure to check the check list. 

231 Words  1 Pages
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