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Current Examples of Market Structures

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:


Identify an article on any one of the following management decisions commonly made in an organization:

1.Cutting costs
2.Enhancing business operations
3.Increasing productive capacity using technology

You can consult sources such as the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Bloomberg Markets, the Economist, US News and World Report, and the online library resources.
After reading the article, respond to the following:

1.Identify the unifying theme in the article. Does the theme pertain to economics and the reasoning for cutting costs, enhancing business operations, or increasing productive capacity using technology? How?

2.Evaluate the situation that you think proposes the most significant consequences for society. What are the consequences that you foresee?

3.If you were the regulator of the industry analyzed in the article, how would you 
decide the validity of the company policy in the article and why?

Below is what they are looking for during grading, use it as a guide.
Grading Criteria    
Maximum Points
Evaluated the unifying theme in the selected article as it pertains to economics and the reasoning for cutting costs, enhancing business operations, or increasing productive capacity using technology.    
Evaluate the consequences of the situation that proposes the most significant consequences for society.    
Explained the way to decide the validity of the company policy in the article and provided a rationale.    
Articulated key points in a clear, logical, and professional manner with supporting evidence, wherever required.    
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.    

276 Words  1 Pages
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