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Less skilled workers have suffered declines in relative wages, increased unemployment, and sometimes both, in the OECD economies since the 1980s. Discuss the role played by technological change in this trend.

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Paper Instructions:

title : Less skilled workers have suffered declines in relative wages, increased unemployment, and sometimes both, in the OECD economies since the 1980s. Discuss the role played by technological change in this trend. 

category:Labour Economics and Income Distribution
subcat2:human capital theory

Need in-text reference.
At least 12 reference

3 reference:
1. Berman, E., J. Bound and Z. Griliches (1994), Changes in the demand for skilled labour within US manufactuing industries:  evidence from the annual survey of manufacturing, Quarterly Journal of Economics,vol.109, no. 2, pp. 367-98.
2.Krueger, A. (1993), How computers changed the wage structure, Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol.108,no. 1, pp. 33-60.
3.Sachs, J. and H. Shatz (1994), Trade and jobs in the US manufacturing, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity pp. 1-84.

141 Words  1 Pages
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