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how capitalism grew to what it is today

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Paper instructions:

In this paper i will need to know if the write can access the video it is the the culture of commerce by hedrick smith. this will be what the paper is over.

Chapter 2 provides a crash course in how capitalism grew to what it is today. However, capitalism is different in different areas of the world. Your assignment this week is to watch a video from way back in 1994, The Culture of Commerce, which compares the various forms of capitalism in different areas of the world and to write a 2-3 page paper in your own words describing the following things:

1. What differences/similarities do you see in type of capitalism employed by the countries in the video?

2. How do you feel the culture of each area influences the type of capitalism used in each country?

3. Given the current day global economic distress, which type of capitalism makes the most sense, is the best, or are they are susceptible to disaster in some way?

Copy and paste the link below into your browser to watch the video.

Video: The Culture of Commerce

196 Words  1 Pages
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