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The Effects of Watching Television for Hours on Age, Race and Income

The Effects of Watching Television for Hours on Age, Race and Income


Television viewing for long hours among adults and children is an ongoing debate as it is established to hold different negative effects.  The issue is becoming worse in the modern society as the general percentage of individuals who watch television and the amount of time that is spent watching is growing rapidly.  With the growing productions of programs that are well targeted for particular age sets, individuals are continuously getting engaged in watching.   Based on the recent studies it has been established that long hour’s exposure of individuals to television affects individuals differently.  To young children the exposure results in  a negative effect of age as well as their general development which  results in issues of behaviors, the disorder of  attention, development of obesity, aggression racial attitudes and decreased production.   The society today is highly encouraging media literacy which is results in negative effects on the general society. Technological advancement is regarded as the movement towards a more developed and beneficial living, however, the development and an increase in media literacy result in the loss of cultural values and the development of different attitudes.  Television viewing is highly linked to racial attitudes development and negative behavioral outcomes in children.  This is mainly because they are generally exposed to   thoughts while they are in the discovery stage.  For the adults longer watching of television results in negative interactions as well as reduced productivity which implies that the amount of income generated in the household is reduced gradually.  Based on the recent studies it has been established that the amount of time that a typical kid is exposed to television watching has doubled recently.   More studies are now claiming that television watching for long period’s results in adverse implications especially on children and general teenagers.  This paper will, therefore, utilize a review of the recent studies in regard to the topic of long hour’s television watching on race, income as well as age.  Contrarily to the previous studies, this paper will focus on establishing the general impacts of long hours television watching.

Keywords: Television, Behavioral Issues, Reduced Income, Age, Race, Productivity. 


In the modern society, most individuals enjoy watching television based on the content that is displayed and the quality of entertainment that they develop.  Individuals and especially children who are continuously and for long exposed to different risks as most of the dangerous content is not sieved out (Masiba, & Kyando, 2016).  Therefore watching television implies that individuals are exposed to several advertisements which may have contents that are not favorable. Children own and enjoy a wider stake in the societal families and they joy seems to be of very much is established that more than 32% of the American society are addicted to television viewing for longer hours (Masiba, & Kyando, 2016).  Television is a great set of entertainment based on the fact that it offers different and interesting programs that are scheduled based on time. This, therefore, implies that individuals have to spend more hours following their favorite programs which act as sources of information in general.  Through this, the designers and the marketers of advertisements tackle this as an advantage of trying to manipulate individuals through the programs (Chang, Jain, & Peng, 2013).  Children especially hold a greater capability of assimilating information in a more increased mode based on the fact that their minds are not occupied.  Teenagers utilize the programs as explorations of gaining ideas in regard to different concepts and ideas.  Through the programs, they are able to discover details to matters that are not discussed in the society for the purpose of maintaining and preserving values as well as morals.  In general, television as a form of media is associated highly with the general change of behaviors especially for young children (Plooy, 2002).  Television is in this case held responsible for influencing developing and behaviors.

Television is a significant strategy that is utilized by most individuals both young as well as old based on the fact that most fresh information is given to the public via the particular channel. Today media and particularly television is a major source of information as it generally attempts to develop the knowledge of individuals through the conducted research (Plooy, 2002).  Television can today be accessed easily through the utilization of satellite or even direct cables.  This provides the public with each type of information that they generally require for work, interest, leisure and so on.  With the growing utilization television, different television programs in the television have now been responsible for catching the attention of most individuals today.  This is because while comparing the media of television to other information channels it can thus be regarded as the most accessible.  For the young individuals, television is considered as their favorite entertainment media.  The rising access and utilization of television have been an ongoing debate for the longest period based on the boundless information access which affects behaviors, development, racial attitude as well as the generation of income (Plooy, 2002).

Watching television for long hours holds various effects in regard to age, race as well as income generation.  The watching of TV is mainly linked to negative impacts of watching as it generally results in reduced productivity (Chang, Jain, & Peng, 2013). This, therefore, implies that the amount of income   that is generated is lower which results in underdevelopment and the rise of the poverty level in a society. Watching television additionally results in the rise of racial discrimination as the media is highly connected to racial connected which may impact the thoughts of those watching. The tendency of watching television increases with a development of age which is associated with negative impacts (Chang, Jain, & Peng, 2013).

Based on the recent research it is clear that individuals who spend longer periods watching television are less productive.  This means that they spend less period of time trying to generate income. The households of such individuals are therefore characterized by less income and increased the level of poverty (Masiba, & Kyando, 2016). It is however argued that television watching acts as a source of benefit to those that participate in gaining entertainment from it. This is mainly because it helps to develop the ability of individuals and especially children to think. In addition, it helps in developing the knowledge of individuals which helps in developing individuals who are more productive and oriented on goals.  The watching of television results in the development of a society that is characterized by racial attitudes.  This is mainly because the content and programs that are displayed on the television may be a revelation of racism and what it entails. This, therefore, means that the individuals that are watching are bound to develop stronger attitudes against a particular group of people based on the information that they acquired.   In comparing the benefits and the negative effects of watching television for increased time period it is established that the negative implications of ways the positive ones in a huge deal.  The television viewers cannot, therefore, be blamed for these effects because it is what the society is exposing them too (Bagchi, 2011).

Continuous exposure to the watching of televising can be considered to be a common trend in the society today and the effects cannot be underrated (Bagchi, 2011).  In particular to television series they can be generally passionate to view and these results in individuals being glued to the media for long which results in viewing a single program after the other. Unproductivity, reduced development, negative behaviors, health issues and racial attitudes and be regarded as negative effects of watching television programs for long hours. The effects cannot be blamed on anyone as they can only be linked to the advancement of technology which has resulted in the rise of an increased curiosity (Bagchi, 2011).

Literature Review

Media literacy is an important thing in the society today.  Media literacy is described in different forms in the conducted studies.  However, the definition in all the studies is similar in that it is mainly focused on the capability of understanding, accessing and creating communication in different grounds (Lee, 2005).  In short, this can be described as the increased capability to read and comprehend visual, digital context and holding the necessary skills of understanding and interacting completely with media knowledge in an analytical and knowledgeable form without fail (Lee, 2005).

Children in the society are being raised and exposed to numerous different aspects such as the internet as well as Television which greatly influences their lives in different ways (Withey, Abeles, 2013).  Instead of utilizing most of the time engaging in productive activities individuals spend more hours watching television which would help in developing their general skills as well as development.  Based on a recent study it is clear that children have exposed to television longer before they get into school. This, therefore, affects their ability to understand and learn new things based on the fact that television provides ready information for digestion.  A television program continuously provides a a false feeling of reality on the the individual which mainly affect their ability to face situations and issues in general (Withey, Abeles, 2013).  It, therefore, becomes very difficult for individuals to differentiate between the actual and fantasy things.  With this,, the productivity capability, as well as cognitive development in individuals, is affected.  The fact that television programs are objected on enlightening and providing knowledge cannot be termed as an innocent thing as they   play part in triggering the emotions and attitudes of individuals in general.  Income for individual to raise their general income,, they are required to work more and waste less time. This, therefore, refers that when individuals are fully engaged in watching television the generated income is reduced (Withey, Abeles, 2013).  Some movie contains details that are directly connected to racial discrimination and this may play a huge part in transforming the attitude of individuals towards the portrayed group that they do not belong to. This results in the development of a violent society that holds no moral value.  Television watching is directly connected to health issues as it may result in obesity and even hurt the eyes for longer views (Withey, Abeles, 2013).

The world today is characterized by a culture where almost every home owns a television set. It is, therefore, an impossible thing of neglecting the negative things that are caused by watching for longer hours (Withey, Abeles, 2013).  Television can be described as a media that holds much to provide as individuals can easily access it and with no doubt television can be regarded as one of the greatest innovation.  However relying on this mode  in order to gain information or  to  acquire entertainment  this  can  result  in  affecting  individuals in a  negative way.  Watching television for a long period can be in other words being described as an inactivity which means that there is zero productivity involved. The effects  of watching television for increased  time period  has grown increasingly to individuals of all ages which ranges from  health issues,  negative  behaviors such as  violence, racial  discrimination, low performance decreased productivity  as well as decreased productivity.  At home, it is very hard for individuals nowadays to avoid viewing television programs as everyone is normally tuned.  In most cases even when individuals are not watching the television it is usually left on and in most cases instead of offering care to children they are given TV as a substitute (Withey, Abeles, 2013).

TV does not provide any educational benefit to those that watches it, especially if it is watched in order to provide entertainment and not a source of information generation (Bryant, 2009).  The activity of watching for longer hours affects the ability of individuals to interact with others fully as the ability to interact effectively is not learned through watching but through participation in life.  Television watching for longer hours additional consumes the time that should the be utilized in the development of significant skills such as social, creativity, movement as well as language. This, therefore,  leads to  the development of a numb mind  which  means that  individuals become  challenged  in  terms of intellectualness (Bryant, 2009).  The ability to imagine things effectively is also affected as individuals fully believe in this that they see which may not be real in the actual worlds. This, therefore, means that individual’s capability of developing better solutions when issues arise in life is challenged.  Based on studies students who are engaged in active watching of television have great issues in paying attention and learning and reduced attention means that they have a challenging moment in learning activities (Bryant, 2009).

Watching TV for longer is associated with less productivity which results in decreased performance. TV exposes individuals to negative aspects as well as encouraging the occurrence of negative habits to children as well as adults in general (Masiba, & Kyando, 2016).  TV programs, as well as advertisement normally, demonstrate alcohol, sexual acts, and the utilization of drugs as well as violence. This, therefore, means that the minds of individuals in the society are built in the portrayed stage. This is because individuals develop impressions based on the things that they see on televisions as visuals create stronger concepts and themes as compared to a message that lacks image (Masiba, & Kyando, 2016).  This is because images tend to remain in the individual's minds for a longer period.  It is established that watching a television for more than three hours is not beneficial.  Individual’s views the world based on how it is portrayed in the television programs rather than how it is in the real sense which affects an individual’s behavior.  It has been established that children who are characterized by violent and aggressive behaviors are long hour’s viewers of television.   This is mainly because the television normally shows them that the best mode of solving the conflict in most cases is through violence.  Watching television is normally seen as the best option of other activities rather than engaging in other activities that are seen as disruptive but they are associated with more benefits (Masiba, & Kyando, 2016).


Television cannot be termed as bad for individuals completely but it is unhealthy to utilize abnormal amount of time watching television programs.  Countless current researchers have established that watching television for longer hours holds harmful implications on individuals.  Watching television for an increased period becomes the safest mode of escaping from reality.  The hugest step of engaging in too much watching is that it provides a way in which individuals can escape their life instead of looking for solutions (Shabka, & Saville, 2009).  When live is characterized by challenges most individuals opts to gather entertainment from television programs which are a form of sleeping through life on a literary basis.   This becomes a tragedy because individuals fails to realize that the time that they over utilize watching can be used in more constructive activities.  Watching television for extended hours results in the deterioration of the human brain.  Watching television for longer periods means that everything is particular done by what it provides.  This is mainly because watching does not require one to create any information or ideas as everything is readily provided.  For instance when an individual is engaged in reading they utilize their imagination to develop thoughts that are related to sounds, tastes, visuals and the occurrence of events.  The brain is therefore required to utilize the sensations that are given in the book unlike when they are watching television as this is already done. This, therefore, shows that the ability to imagine thins and create fresh ideas is hindered.  At most instances after individuals have been engaged in watching television they normally   feel that their brain is filled with emptiness (Shabka, & Saville, 2009).  This is mainly because the brain holds nothing to get engaged in which is not utilized in longer hours period.

Watching television is associated with decreased productivity and less income mainly because it is associated with strong addiction.  The worst part of getting used to getting entertainment from television is that it is just like an addictive substance that one can never get rid of easily.  This is mainly because it can be accessed easily with much pleasure thus making one forget about the existing troubles in life (Blair, Claster, & Claster, 2015).   This is developed especially because after a single program there is a different one that evolves each time.  The hours continue to add up and once an individual is held up in the programs they handle one for the entire living.  Television watching for too many years is very easy as the mind is swathed and it is s in a manner that nothing else can be thought of except the things that happens on the screen.  TV is considered as the best form of entertainment for all ages without the realization that it results in negative implications.  This, therefore, results in the loss of most opportunities in life.  In life achieving quality can only be achieved through utilizing most of the time in productive activities.  In order to increase productivity, one needs to work hard and utilize less time in pleasure and more time in producing more (Blair, Claster, &, Claster, 2015).  From the evidence, it is clear that the more that an individual is engaged in longer hours of watching the more they are generally exposed to life threats and disadvantages. This is mainly because they are unable to solve issues which affect their abilities to develop as well as handle matters.


Research methodology can be described as an investigation that is purposed at generating answers to the study question.  The research method of the current study was developed to establish the effects of watching television for longer hours in the context of age, income generation, and race.

The research utilized a descriptive design and sampling.  The methodology utilized was a mixed method as it utilized both qualitative and quantitative research.  Sampling was done to ensure that accuracy of the research was attained. Random sampling was utilized to eliminate the occurrence of biases. Qualitative data was gathered through the use of interviews as well as questions. The questions utilized in the study were both open and closed completed queries. This was opted in order to ensure that maximum data was gathered for the research.

The target population of the research was 100 persons and the sample population was 47. The questionnaires were distributed through emails to the respondents. The filled questionnaires were then returned to the researcher after completion.  The analysis of the data was done by the research in order to maintain confidentiality and increase the reliability of the findings.


From the review of the studies, it is established that watching television for longer hours is associated with harmful effects on individuals of all ages.  Watching television for extended hours is harmful because it hinders the capability of individuals to think properly.  This is mainly because it gives information quickly, generating opinions, evaluation as well as the general criticism in regard to everything.  This, therefore, results into the manipulation of the viewers as well as misinformation.  The negative impacts of watching television cannot be underrated because they affect the issue of race as well as the generation of income.   This is mainly because when individuals are involved in watching continuously they become less productive with less performance thus meaning that income is reduced.

Television watching for a long period is generally associated with negative impacts in the context of age, race as well as income.  When individual’s capability to think adequately is reduced this means that the society is characterized by less productive individuals which may result in the rise of the poverty rate. It is indicated by research that the tendency of watching television grows with age as individuals begin to understand and analyze the visuals displayed on the television. Watching television additionally, results in the rise of racial discrimination as the media is highly connected to racial connected which may impact the thoughts of those watching. With poor cognitive capability, there is less performance and the ability of understanding matters which increases the rate of the racial subject.


It is argued that television is associated with more evil as compared to the related benefits.  Television and the growing usage of media in   attaining information as well as entertainment are associated with negative effects on individuals of all ages and especially young individuals.  Television is highly blamed for less productivity as well as society violence (Blair, Claster, & Claster, 2015).  On the other hand, television is viewed as a huge source of international knowledge education and knowledge.  For most individuals in the world today television can be regarded as a consistent presence that cannot be avoided.  In   satisfying the growing curiosity that has been developed by technology individuals mainly utilizes television to acquire information in general.  The world is characterized by an increased usage of media and television is the only cheap and easily accessible source.  It helps in ensuring that individuals are constantly updated about the occurrence of things around.  It additionally offers company and ensures that the world is easily connected through series as the dubbed commercials and films.  This can thus be considered as a positive way which assists individuals in expanding their knowledge in a faster form. However watching television is mainly related to negative effects more than the benefits (Blair, Claster, & Claster, 2015).  This is mainly because it results in destroying relationships which result in negative relations in regard to race based on the incapability to understand and solve matters. Televisions are responsible for making individuals antisocial as outdoor activities neither are nor normally encouraged.  Viewers hold the opportunity of lopping channels one after another which normally affects their abilities to perform significantly.


Television watching for ours can be described as primarily negative in the context of age and generation of income.  Despite the fact that the effects normally depend on the individual who is watching the negative effects of prolonged watching cannot be underrated.  Television is associated with bad language which can influence negative behavior and attitude.  Television is associated with the impairment of development of children especially cognitive and language.  TV additionally provides bad language to the viewers with detailed context which does not give any room for developing innovative ideas.  Television is the most utilized source of information in the society today based on its accessibility and ease of use.  It is, therefore, accurate to develop the conclusion that in general television can be considered as bad rather than good.  Watching television should be watched for less than three hours to ensure that the effects are not negative. Television should not, therefore, be used as the sole source of entertainment or gaining information.

















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3996 Words  14 Pages
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