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As you begin to think about the nature of Economics and issues within the realm of macroeconomics, this web assignment will guide you through perusing pertinent information on our economy at the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistic

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Complete the following Module 1 Web Assignment for this module by the stated due date on the Schedule. Please submit in the Module 1 D2L assignment folder as a .doc, .docx, .pdf or .rtf file.

As you begin to think about the nature of Economics and issues within the realm of macroeconomics, this web assignment will guide you through perusing pertinent information on our economy at the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Begin by accessing the Bureau of Labor Statistics website.

On the BLS home page on the menu across the top of the page, you will find Subjects. Click on Subjects and select one of these topics:

Inflation & Prices
Spending & Time Use
Pay & Benefits
As you will readily see, there are many links within each of these topics. Select the one that most interests you, and write a summary in three to four paragraphs. Include the following:

Explain what topic you selected and why.
Summarize the information you found on the topic you selected.
Describe what information was beneficial and if this information will help you in your future employment endeavors.
(One of the most difficult decisions you will make concerns what field of study you are interested in and what the job opportunities are in that field. Hopefully searching for information on this site will be helpful for making good decisions.)
You must cite your references properly according to MLA or APA guidelines.  Even if the source is mentioned in the assignment instructions, you still need to cite and include it within your document.

Submit your completed assignment to the Module 1 Web Assignment folder in D2L. Make sure you use correct spelling, grammar, etc. Please see the Assignments Rubric for grading.

308 Words  1 Pages
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