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How is doing business in China similar and or different from doing business in the US?

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

You will first need to watch the following four videos featuring Alibaba, the Chinese version of Amazon, an online retailer that has seen an increasing number of American companies both using the site to sell their products and also find vendors/suppliers.  The different videos give you some insight into understanding the business and how it is different, as well as the many unique considerations when managing in a global environment.  Last year Alibaba took in a record $14.3 billion in sales on Singles Day, a holiday made up by the company.  Each video features different information about the global environment and how Alibaba is managed, operates and used.  While you are watching the videos, take note of all the different topics and concepts that were addressed in this module. For example, consider some of the following:

How is doing business in China similar and or different from doing business in the US?
Based on what you know of Alibaba from this video, do you expect it to remain successful? Do you think the leaders at Alibaba seem to have a global mindset? Why or why not?
What are the challenges of international management for US companies doing business on Alibaba?
What are the challenges for Alibaba in extending its market to the US? Do you think it will be successful?
Is the decision of Flamingo Furniture to use Alibaba rather than Amazon a good one? Why or why not?
Do you think “Singles Day” will be successful in the US? Why or why not?
If you were a manager here in the US, would you consider using Alibaba to find vendors/suppliers or sell your products?  Why or why not?  
Your assignment is to write an original analysis covering not only the questions above, but also some of your own observations.  You will also need to do some additional research on Alibaba and its effect on managing in a global environment.

Your analysis of Alibaba should include the above questions/topics that you consider the most important,    Include also whether you think Alibaba will continue to be successful, whether you would want to buy and/or sell on Alibaba, and why or why not.  Your original analysis must be a minimum of 3-4 good paragraphs based on the videos, what you know from the information you have read and studied, and your own research and observations.  Do not just summarize the video or simply write a paragraph answering each of the above questions. 

"This should be your own original analysis.  Do not "recycle" or "cut and paste"!  (See course syllabus regarding this, along with the results)."

450 Words  1 Pages
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