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Using different marketing theories and models in addition to recent trends, the objective of the paper is to identify a real firm which needs improvement in their marketing, which segments are they in, positioning and targeting using critical evaluation.

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Paper Instructions:

Using different marketing theories and models in addition to recent trends, the objective of the paper is to identify a real firm which needs improvement in their marketing, which segments are they in, positioning and targeting using critical evaluation. Also, recommend target market and positioning strategy appropriate to the company's long term plan. 
The company choice need to be justified based on the firm's KPI relevant to the market. The evaluation and recommendation need to account for micro and macro environments influencing the company. The report need to be well structured and flow logically. 

Couple of examples of a company which I believe need marketing improvements:
Pizza Hut
Burger King
Truly Hard Seltzer 

126 Words  1 Pages
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