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• Should Unilever enter the low-income consumer market? If yes, how should it position its offering and what marketing mix should it use?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

 Should Unilever enter the low-income consumer market? If yes, how should it position its offering and what marketing mix should it use?

Key discussion question:
•    Should Unilever enter the low-income consumer market? If yes, how should it position its offering and what marketing mix should it use?

Analysis questions:
• Identify Unilever's motivation to enter the low-income consumer market. What goal(s) was Unilever trying to achieve?
• Analyze the low-income market and identify the underlying needs Unilever should target with its offering.
•Propose a positioning strategy for Unilever's offering
•Propose a marketing mix for Unilever's offering (product formulation, brand, price, incentives, communication, and distribution) that will enable Unilever to achieve its goal(s)

31 Words  1 Pages
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