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Using examples from your chosen media, compare the coverage between all these three categories, and highlight both the differences and common traits in the coverage. Look for some key findings across all the media categories — what issues and stories tend

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Using examples from your chosen media, compare the coverage between all these three categories, and highlight both the differences and common traits in the coverage. Look for some key findings across all the media categories — what issues and stories tend to feature regardless of the country the stories are published in?

The latest UK general elections were held on 7 May to elect a new government after five years of coalition rule by the Conservative party and the Liberal Democrats. 

Looking at media coverage in various countries, compare and contrast the coverage before, during and after the election. You should use:
British media
US media and English language media from Commonwealth countries (for instance Canada, India and Australia)
Media in your own home country
Using examples from your chosen media, compare the coverage between all these three categories, and highlight both the differences and common traits in the coverage. Look for some key findings across all the media categories — what issues and stories tend to feature regardless of the country the stories are published in?

186 Words  1 Pages
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