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Ethical Standards That UK Companies Should Follow When Providing

  • Ethical Standards That UK Companies Should Follow When Providing Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Quality
  • The management of the company should ensure that they deliver high quality services in their corporate social responsibility. Maintaining high quality services can help to ensure that the business is able to attract new customers and at the same time improve on its reputation. Providing quality services in their corporate social responsibility can help the business to meet the expectation of the society. This is because in most cases the society expects the business to delivers quality services. In addition providing quality services can help to reduce the cost of engaging in various corporate social responsibilities through minimizing product wastage
  • Cooperation
  • Cooperation is one of the critical issues that the management of an organization should also take into consideration when undertaking various corporate social responsibility activities. Cooperation should involve carful consultation from the relevant stakeholders regarding the project to be implemented. Consulting the stakeholders can help to ensure that they are comfortable with the various projects that the company wishes to undertake. Consulting the stakeholders also play a role in helping to ensure that the stakeholders provides support to the business. Various organizations engaging in the corporate social responsibility should also ensure that they collaborate in order to avails products and services that can meet the society expectation. Collaboration can also help to ensure that the various organization are able to combine funds thereby lowering the project implementation cost and at the same time helping to ensure that they are able to implement projects that can have a huge impact on the society. Most importantly collaboration between various organizations can help to eliminate duplication of services.
  • Effective communication
  • Effective communications is another ethical standard that various organizations operating in UK should ensure that they follow in implementing their corporate social responsibility. Effective communication can help to improve transparency in an organization since the employees are able to trust the management with their affairs. According to McIntosh et al, (2008, p.1) effective communication in the organization can also help to enhance teams building and collaboration. Effective communication should also involve seeking the employee advice regarding the various products and services that the business wishes to introduce to the community. It is also evident that effective communication can also help to enhance the speed of the project implementation. In addition effective communication in an organization can also help to enhance innovation in an organization thereby ensuring that the organization only implements projects that meets the demand of the society.
  • Monitoring of the project
  • Various organizations engaging in the corporate social responsibility should also implement effective procedure to help in monitoring the project implemented. Having effective project monitoring can play a critical role in helping to promote transparency with regard to the project implemented. In relation to this monitoring of the project can help to ensure that the projects that the funds that are allocated for the project are efficiently utilized. In order to implement effective project monitoring mechanism the management of the organization should ensure that they involve an external auditor in the management of the project. Most importantly having an effective monitoring mechanism can help to ensure that an organization is able to identify the any unethical behaviors in the implementation of the project. According to Young, T. L. (2007, p.24) having an effective monitoring mechanism can help the management of the company assess whether the project achieves its set objectives.
  • Ethical values
  • Various organizations engaging in the corporate social responsibility should also maintain ethical values. First various organizations should ensure that they maintain integrity while making various decisions in an organization. This implies that the management of various organization are supposed to implement only the project that can benefit the entire society. The management of the company also needs to make good professional judgment when deciding on the projects to implement as their corporate social strategies. Various organizations engaging in corporate social responsibility also need to adhere with the principle of honesty in the implementation of the project. In relation to this organizations should also aim at maintaining customer loyalty in their corporate social responsibility. It is also evident that the principle of fairness should also be adhered during the implementation of the proposed project (Akhtar, 2013, p.9)
  • Moreover the various projects that the management of the company wishes to implement should also include charitable values such as kindness and good will. Taking into consideration the charitable aspects can help to ensure that the company implements only in project that directly impact the society. The management of the company should also have self-discipline when implementing the corporate social responsibility strategies. In this case having self-discipline can help to ensure that the management of the company acts within reasonable constrain. The management of the company is also supposed to refrain from indulging into excessive behavior. The various projects implemented should also be in line with the principles of utilitarianism, which implies that the projects should be for the greatest good of the members of the society (Carroll, 2009, p.294).
  • References
  • Akhtar, F. N. 2013. Mastering social work values and ethics.
  • Carroll, A. B. 2009. Business & society: Ethics & stakeholder management. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.
  • Young, T. L. 2007. The handbook of project management: A practical guide to effective policies, techniques and processes. London: Kogan Page Ltd.
  • McIntosh, P., Luecke, R., Davis, J. H., & American Management Association. 2008 Interpersonal communication skills in the workplace. New York: American Management Association.
914 Words  3 Pages
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