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Understanding the purchase decision process of the target market is an essential element of the marketing plan. In a two page paper, please address the below outlined items.....make sure to use at least three relevant references from your research

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Paper Instructions;

Understanding the purchase decision process of the target market is an essential element of the marketing plan. In a two page paper, please address the below outlined items.....make sure to use at least three relevant  references from your research.  

Develop a demographic profile of the customer who might be ideal for your business and include: 










Describe the motivation of the target consumer. Please answer the following questions: 

·        Why is the consumer buying the product?  

·        What external forces will influence the target consumer as he or she considers the purchase? For example, will the consumer's culture or subculture affect the purchase decision? How?  

·        Describe the consumer's typical consumer purchase decision process?  

·        What is the likely process a consumer will go through in making the decision to purchase the product?

151 Words  1 Pages
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