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Pick one the brand in your region and analyze its marketing strategy and submit a report mentioning its impact, success and drawbacks

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Paper Instructions;

Pick one the brand in your region and analyze its marketing strategy and submit a report mentioning its impact, success and drawbacks

1.Executive Summary. 

2.Company and Product Description. 

3.Strategic Focus and Plan: the mission/vision and core competencies of that brand.

4.Situation Analysis – Analyze the marketing strategy of the company you chose, take into consideration the 4Ps :

A-Products are offerings; focus is on solutions. 

B-Place is complex supply chains. 

C-Price is viewed as value; Benefits/price. 

D-Promotion uses high-tech media. 

5.Evaluation and Interpretation of the situation, explain if the current marketing plan is successful if yes how and failure, then the reason. and Control (for your new product). 

6.Supporting information you may want to include (may be integrated within text or included as appendices): mock-ups of packaging/product, advertising, promotions, any helpful tables, charts, graphs, etc.

Please let me know the name of the compane you will cose before starting the report. 

167 Words  1 Pages
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