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What is the size and scope of the industry (Vietnamese restaurant) in the United States? For example, what are the number of establishments, employees and total revenue?

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer

  • 12 pt. Times New Roman, double spaced
    •    Properly cited (APA format required) including the Reference page
    •    Minimum of four credible sources (see library instructions, no Wikipedia). 
    •    The following elements must be covered:
    o    What is the size and scope of the industry (Vietnamese restaurant) in the United States?  For example, what are the number of establishments, employees and total revenue?
    o    What are the major external and internal factors that will impact this industry over the next 1-5 years? (Vietnamese Restaurant)
    o    What is the future for this industry (Vietnamese Restaurant – is it growing and why?
    •    Identify same general characteristics of this industry globally. The size and scope of the industry and any similarities or differences from the United States market should be included. 
    •    This report needs to be fact based.  There should be many cited statistics and cited references to industry reports and analysis.
    •    Include a proper introduction paragraph and conclusion.
    Grammar check 
170 Words  1 Pages
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